Friday, April 5, 2013

The Wind

Springtime often provides windy days.  That wind is great for kids wanting to go fly a kite or someone on a sailboat.  The wind is there, but unseen, only the results of the wind are seen.  

In the Bible God used the wind for His glory.  I believe I can relate to this in my journey to the mission field of Italy.

In the Old Testament God called His people out of Egypt, out of slavery, out of oppression.  Awesome, right?  God heard their cries for help and called Moses to help them.  It took a while to convince Pharaoh to release the people.  After many years and ten plagues, he finally let them go.

Then reality hit.  All they had now was sand and wilderness.  Things looked overwhelming.  What were they doing?  They left the comforts of their  homes and their jobs.  They left all they knew.  They were in a desert and  before them was the Red Sea.  Behind them they could hear Pharaoh’s army approaching.  They started doubting, complaining and feeling sorry for themselves.  They were backed into a corner.

God wanted there to be no doubt Who was making their deliverance possible.  He protected against the soldiers.  When there seemed to be no way out but to die, God provided a wind to blow the waters of the sea back providing a dry path for the Hebrews to safety cross.  It was not an instantaneous miracle; it blew all night.  The bottom of the Sea was dry.  It was crystal clear this was a miracle.

How do I relate to the Hebrews fleeing Egypt?  I was a single mom of three, working two or more jobs just to make ends meet, I felt sort of like a slave.  I prayed for God’s deliverance, for His plan to be manifested in my life.  He let me know I was going into missions, later.

When my girls were all grown He started opening the doors for me to go on the mission field.  I was elated.  First He let me know where – Italy, then what organization – Team Expansion.  My four year job ended.  I stepped out on faith.  My stateside training has been completed.  The start up costs are almost complete.  Over 200 prayer supporters in place.  Moving forward!

But, there in front of me is a ‘Red Sea’ (raising $4500 more a month in support).  Trying to overtake me is my old ways of doing things.  At times I want to moan like the Hebrews, but I know God provides.

Do I know how God will provide the way to Italy?  No, but I can't wait to see how He will provide a 'path on dry ground' for me.  Exodus 14:14 says, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." (NIV)

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